We Are At War

Sometimes we forget that we are in an all out total war in this life.
An all out total war.
And you may be saved and that's good. If you're saved, the enemy can't take you out of the fight in the sense of just removing you from the kingdom of God, but he can make you useless in the fight. And the way he does that is by convincing you that it's okay to continue in your sin without obeying God.
Our testimony of obedience is what gives credibility to our witness.
And so we must always seek to wage war, to fight the good fight of faith because it is worth it. It is worth it.
We are living in a world in which, if you are an adult and you have children, you are living in a world in which if you are saved, you are fine, you are good. But this world is not coming after you. They are coming after your children.
That's what they are doing. Do not be deceived into thinking that the ideas that are being spread through mass communication and mass media, that are being spread in many schools throughout our nation, that these things are accidents and only being done by the people doing this. No, there is a hand that is guiding each of these things.
And that hand is our adversary himself.
The Bible tells us that our war is not against flesh and blood, but is against the principalities and the powers of darkness in this present evil age. Nobody in their right mind would think that it is right to chop the genitals off of a little kid. But those that are possessed by demons do.
Those that are led by demonic forces do.
We are living in a world in which we must fight. We must wage war against sin, not only in our life, but in our town and in our nation, because the souls of the next generation are very much at stake.
So we must wage war. But it starts not out in the town square. It doesn't even start at the White House.
It starts in our homes.
Until we are waging the war in our homes, we will never be able to show up to the battle in the town square.